Monday, January 31, 2011

Our first trip -- PARIS!!!!

We left for Paris very early on the morning on Thursday, our first international trip! When I say we left early, I mean early. We went to Dublin the night before (our flight was out of the airport there) and met up with some people then woke up at 6am. After check in and boarding we got chocolate muffins and hot tea to put us in the mood for Paris! My friend Carole who studied abroad at UMW last year lives in the city so we stayed with her during our three days in her stomping ground. She met us at the airport and we caught up on the hour ride from the airport to her apartment. As always we were all starving so we went to Carole's favorite crepe resteraunte and got dinner (salty) crepes and dessert crepes which mean ham, cheese, and egg dinner crepe and a chocolate with whipped cream dessert crepe for me. While we were waiting for a table at the resteraunt Carole took us to a palace that was nearby. Kings lived there until Louis the 16th moved to Versialles.

 After lunch we went to the Centre Pompidou museum that has modern art and a really unique outside of the building (above). The view from the top of the building was amazing. We pointed out excitedly all the sights we were going to see on our trip. The art in here was not my style, but the next museum we went to, d'Orsay was full of famous painter's works including Monet, Manet, Van Gough and many more. We even found some of my friend Leigh's friends grandfathers (yeah see if you can follow that) paintings. It made me appreciate my art history class that Monique forced me to take. Almost all of the artists we studied were in this museum.

After the museums we were starving again so we stopped at a restaurant and had the most amazing bruschetta (yours is still better though mom) and pizza and some dessert! ONe of the best parts of our trip was all the food we ate. Everything was so good, I can see why Paris is one of the food capitals of the world. )My favorite thing we ate there would have to be the nutella crepes, but more about them later...)  Then we walked to the ferris wheel where we got yet another amazing view of the city.

I should also just mention that the three days we were in Paris were freezing. I know I shouldn't be complaining because at home its below freezing and snowing, but Paris is a big city and we were walking everywhere. So after the first day where we literally walked the lengths of Paris, we decided that the metro was the way to go.

this was my artsy picture of the ferris wheel :)

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