Monday, January 3, 2011

The airport scene

Welcome to my blog about Ireland! I hope this is a way that all my family and friends can see what's going on in my life overseas! This is also a requierment for my school to earn some extra credits, so I hope you enjoy!

My flight left from Newark, New Jersey, and SURPRISE, there were no delays! When I landed in London I had a fun time getting my luggage then getting re-checked into my next flight because my original airline was too busy to do so. Needless to say, two hours, a couple hundred dollars for overweight suitcases, an out of breath and angry Kelly made it to my flight with literally one minute to spare.

My taxi driver to The Spires became my first Irish friend. He also goes to UCC and offered to give me a tour around campus. My room has a beautiful view, and my apartment-mates seem very nice! So, far I've had a wonderful couple of hours in the city!


  1. I knew you could do it Kelly!!

  2. This is so fun! I love that we get to hear about all of your adventures! It will be fun for you to look back on your travels at the end of it and remember all the fun times too! Welcome to the best 6 months of your life!!!!

  3. Love your blog Kelly. You are going to have so much fun and learn so much! Keep these going so that we can include them in your Ireland scrapbook to be made when you get home in June! Love you!
