Monday, January 31, 2011

Day two in Paris

For our first full day in Paris we woke up early and went straight to the Notre Dame Cathedral. Now I love Notre Dame the college and the movie, but the cathedral is so beautiful. It has so much history and different touristy collections inside but still functions as a church too (we were able to sit in on mass while we were there -- so weird to recognize the different parts of mass but hear it in a different language). There is so many interesting parts of Notre Dame that I can't possibly type them all, so here are some pictures that will do the explaining instead hopefully :)

 The next stop was Luxemburg Gardens which was so green seeing at how cold it was (and the lack of rain). There was a palace here that the senators now do their business in (behind us in the second picture).

 We stopped for lunch and I got a super french dish called Croque Monsieur which is basically a much much much better version of grilled ham and cheese. It was a quick but delicious lunch to get us energized for...........

......THE EIFFEL TOWER!!!! I remember seeing it from a distance the first day and thinking that it wasn't anything special, but then seeing it closer it was so cool! My friend Amy and I tried taking jumping pictures and it actually worked (for the first time in my life :) )

After the Eiffel Tower we had nutella crepes that were so beyond amazing words can't even describe. I devoured mine in under two minutes and wanted five more. We then went to the Louvre which was HUGE!! You could easily spend 3 full days in there and not see everything so we decided to see the famous stuff; Mona Lisa and the Aphrodite statue. Then we went back to Carole's apartment and made pasta for dinner. Then we planned on going on a cruise on the Seine River but we couldn't find the boats, so we ended up getting dessert at another Parisian restaurant, guess what i had? That's right, another nutella crepe. We were so exhausted by the time we got back that after a little wine, we went straight to sleep to gear up for our last day in the city of love.

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